ADA: Greedy Technique - Fractional Knapsack
Fractional Knapsack
Knapsack is a problem in in which a thief is robbing a store and can carry a maximal weight of W into his knapsack. There are n items available in the store and weight of ith item is wi and its profit is pi. What items should the thief take?
In this context, the items should be selected in such a way that the thief will carry those items for which he will gain maximum profit. Hence, the objective of the thief is to maximize the profit.
Knapsack problems are categorized as
- Fractional Knapsack
- 0-1 Knapsack
Problem Statement
A thief considers taking 100 pounds of loot. The loot is in the form of 5 items,
each with weight wi and value vi. Any amount of an item can be put in the
knapsack as long as the weight limit 100 is not exceeded.
W: 10 20 30 40 50
V: 20 30 66 40 60
File: Download here
A thief considers taking 100 pounds of loot. The loot is in the form of 5 items,
each with weight wi and value vi. Any amount of an item can be put in the
knapsack as long as the weight limit 100 is not exceeded.
each with weight wi and value vi. Any amount of an item can be put in the
knapsack as long as the weight limit 100 is not exceeded.
W: 10 20 30 40 50
V: 20 30 66 40 60

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